Feature | Specification |
Automation Compatible | Yes |
Product Group | Barcodes |
The design of the NEXTFLEX Unique Dual Index barcodes allow a broad range of multiplexing – users can multiplex anywhere between two samples and 1,536 samples in a single sequencing run. The wide range of multiplexing options enables barcode rotation (avoiding frequent use of the same barcode set) to mitigate run-to-run sample carryover and crosstalk. NEXTFLEX Unique Dual Index barcodes are compatible with NEXTFLEX library prep kits designed for paired-end and single-read sequencing, or other workflows for Illumina sequencers that involve the ligation of adapters to adenylated fragments.
The NEXTFLEX Unique Dual Index barcodes utilize two unique indexes on each UDI adapter, with a hamming distance of at least three throughout the entire series to permit error correction. Each NEXTFLEX Unique Dual Index barcode comprises the entire flow cell binding site, sequencing primer binding site and index sequences, thereby making PCR enrichment optional. Patterned flow cells, such as those found on the Illumina NovaSeq®, HiSeq® 3000/4000, and HiSeq X platforms, have been known to suffer from increased rates of sample mis-assignment during sequencing. The use of adapters with unique dual indices improves data integrity by correctly removing mis-assigned reads. Every lot is tested for index purity and functionality by sequencing.
Automation Compatible |
Barcodes |
1 - 1,536
Format |
2 rxns per well
Product Group |
Shipping Conditions |
Shipped in Dry Ice
Unit Size |
3,072 rxns
Selected Citations that Reference the Use of the NEXTFLEX UDI Barcodes:
Are you looking for resources, click on the resource type to explore further.
This application note describes the benefits of using UDI Barcodes.
This flyer describes the benefits of the NEXTFLEX® 1536 UDI Barcode Adapter Set.
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