GrowDex® is an animal-free hydrogel that enables complete control over the culture environment for cells.
GrowDex can be used in a wide range of cell-based assays such as microscopic imaging or metabolic activity measurement. GrowDex has been validated on various cell models and applications including primary hepatocytes, patient derived cells, 3D organoid formation, hepatocyte toxicity, stem cell proliferation and differentiation, tumour cell migration and invasion, neurite outgrowth and network formation.
GrowDex® is an animal-free hydrogel that enables complete control over the culture environment for cells.
GrowDex can be used in a wide range of cell-based assays such as microscopic imaging or metabolic activity measurement. GrowDex has been validated on various cell models and applications including primary hepatocytes, patient derived cells, 3D organoid formation, hepatocyte toxicity, stem cell proliferation and differentiation, tumour cell migration and invasion, neurite outgrowth and network formation.
GrowDex has been designed to provide a support matrix for the culture of cells in a wide range of applications. It comprises of two components, nanofibrillar cellulose (NFC) and ultra-pure water. The length of the nanofibrils ranges from 200-300 μm, with a diameter in the nanometer scale varying from 5-100 nm.
The product is supplied sterilized, ready to use and can be utilized in a variety of cell culture applications, such as 3D spheroid or organoid formation.
Storage and shelf-life:
GrowDase™ enzyme breaks down GrowDex hydrogel to form a solution in an easy one step efficient cell recovery process. 3D cell structures such as spheroids, organoid or biopsies are retained with no impact on cell viability or functionality. Liberated cells can be used in gene or protein expression studies or for future experiments.
Form |
Brand |
Quantity |
1 x 5 mL
Shipping Conditions |
Shipped Ambient
Storage Conditions |
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More than ever, researchers are turning to 3D cell cultures, microtissues and organoids to bridge the gap between 2D cell cultures...
Here we establish methodologies for 3D cell culture of the common neuronal cell line SH-SY5Y within the GrowDex® hydrogel to...
Here, adipose derived MSCs (ADMSCs) were cultured in nanofibrillar cellulose, GrowDex®, under various conditions for 1 week to...
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) is a complex, rare, and fatal disease belonging to a larger group of lysosomal storage...
When working with 3D cell models, high heterogeneity between samples can pose a challenge - either biological or technical. In...
In this study, the morphology development of MCF7 cells in wood-derived nanofibrillar cellulose hydrogel GrowDex® (3D), and in...
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