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DepleteX Single Cell RNA Boost Kit

The DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit employs a CRISPR-based method to selectively remove unwanted reads allowing you to cut through the noise with minimal impact on your workflow and maximum confidence in your results.

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Feature Specification
Automation Compatible No
Product Group Single Cell Depletion

The DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit employs a CRISPR-based method to selectively remove unwanted reads allowing you to cut through the noise with minimal impact on your workflow and maximum confidence in your results.

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Product Variant
Unit Size: 24 rxns
Part #:
List Price
USD 6,120.00
Your online price:
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Total list price:
USD 6,120.00
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Enhance usable single-cell RNA-seq data using DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit

DepleteX efficiently removes abundant and uninformative fragments before sequencing, reallocating 50% of sequencing clusters to informative reads that would typically be filtered out during secondary analysis. This kit utilizes Cas9 depletion with an optimized guide set to target ribosomal and mitochondrial mRNA, non-transcriptomic reads, and highly expressed non-variable genes. Additionally, the kit provides a separate tube for non-variable gene depletion, which can be included or excluded as required.

The DepleteX Single Cell RNA Boost Kit empowers you to reduce noise and optimize usable data in your single-cell RNA sequencing.

Check out the resource section for guides we have designed to help boost your research with DepleteX.

Key highlights:

  • Enhance secondary analysis with ~50% more useful reads
  • Verified for both short-read and long-read sequencing.
  • Efficiently removes ribosomal, mitochondrial, non-transcriptomic reads, and optionally non-variable genes from single-cell libraries
  • Streamlined 3-step protocol
  • Tested with 10X Genomics Single Cell Sequencing and other scRNA sequencing workflows
  • The DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit can be paired with CITE-Seq single-cell workflows that utilize TotalSeq oligo-conjugated antibodies from BioLegend for protein detection.

Are you using blood as a sample type for your single cell sequencing experiments? Learn how you can also remove unwanted globin transcripts from your data.

Additional product information

Reducing costs associated with single cell sequencing.

Implementing single-cell sequencing can be costly. However, the DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit provides cost savings by efficiently eliminating abundant and uninformative fragments before sequencing, reallocating 50% of sequencing clusters to informative reads that would typically be filtered out during secondary analysis. 

DepleteX Single Cell RNA Boost Kit reads-mapped-increase v3

Figure 1: Double the reads mapped to the transcriptome with the DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit.

Reduction of single cell sequencing data complexity.

Single-cell sequencing generates large and complex datasets. Analyzing these data requires robust computational methods and expertise. The sensitivity of scRNA sequencing can lead to high levels of technical noise. The DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit empowers you to reduce noise and optimize usable data in your single-cell RNA sequencing. Figure 2 illustrates a 1.5x improvement in detection after depletion with this kit. 

Fig 2. DepleteX Single Cell RNA Boost KitS

Figure 2: 1.5x improvement in detection with depletion



Q: Can I use the DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit on mouse samples?

A: Yes, but the depletion rate is lower since the guides are designed for human samples.

Q: Does the DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit use all of the cDNA from my 10X prep?

A: No, only 1 tube of the available cDNA from a given 10X prep is used in general. The customer is free to customize this as needed to hit the 100-150 ng input recommendation.

Q: Is this kit compatible with the 5’ Chromium assay (10X Genomics), the TotalSeq™ reagents and Visium™ spatial (10X Genomics)?

A: Yes, it is compatible with all these workflows. Our depletion panel is designed to tile across the full length of transcripts.

Q: What is the sequencing depth recommendation for the depleted condition?

A: general, single cell users use between 25K – 50K reads/cell depending on their application. For the depleted condition, users can choose to sequence 12.5K – 25K reads/cell to see the same information or sequence at the same depth to see more information.

Q: Can I still use mitochondrial reads to separate “intact” cell from “compromised” cells?

A: Mitochondrial reads are targeted by the DepleteX® Single Cell RNA Boost Kit but removal is not complete. They can be used to separate intact from compromised cells. Instead of setting an arbitrary 10% threshold, alternative approaches are described in the Python and R guides provided.


Automation Compatible
Product Group
Single Cell Depletion
Shipping Conditions
Shipped in Dry Ice
Unit Size
24 rxns


  1. Currenti, J., Qiao, L., Pai, R., Gupta, S., Khyriem, C., Wise, K., Sun, X., Armstrong, J., Crane, J., Pathak, S., Yang, B., George, J., Plummer, J., Martelotto, L., & Sharma, A. (2022). STOmics-GenX: CRISPR-based approach to improve cell identity-specific gene detection from spatially resolved transcriptomics. bioRxiv. Advance online publication.
  2. Pandey, A. C., Bezney, J., DeAscanis, D., Kirsch, E., Ahmed, F., Crinklaw, A., Choudhary, K. S., Mandala, T., Deason, J., Hamdi, J., Siddique, A., Ranganathan, S., Ordoukhanian, P., Brown, K., Armstrong, J., Head, S., & Topol, E. J. (2022). A CRISPR/Cas9-based enhancement of high-throughput single-cell transcriptomics. bioRxiv. Advance online publication.


Are you looking for resources, click on the resource type to explore further.

1-6 of 13 Resources
Technical Note Icon
Technical Note
DepleteX™ Single Cell RNA Boost Kit

Remove abundant and uninformative fragments prior to scRNA-Seq

Infographic Icon
Elevate your single-cell sequencing: Beat the stats

Discover simple strategies to overcome single cell sequencing obstacles in our infographic.

Product Info Icon
Product Info
FASTQ file containing control data for the DepleteX Single Cell RNA Boost Kit

Please fill out the form below to access a FASTQ file containing control data for the DepleteX™ Single Cell RNA Boost Kit.

Product Information Bulletin Icon
Product Information Bulletin
FASTQ file containing depletion data for the DepleteX™ Single Cell RNA Boost Kit

Please fill out the form below to access a FASTQ file containing depletion data for the DepleteX™ Single Cell RNA Boost Kit.

Flyer Icon
Get the answers you need with single-cell sequencing

Flyer showcasing Revvity's solutions for key steps of your single-cell sequencing journey.

Technical Note Icon
Technical Note
Identify more genes per UMI with CRISPRclean® and Spatial Gene Expression

Boost informative transcripts and detect low expression genes in fresh frozen tissues


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