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PhenoVue Cell Function Reagents & Kits

Visualize cell functionality

Revvity offers a complete suite of cell function reagents and kits for visualizing key cellular events including viability, apoptosis, mitochondrial membrane potential, as well as indicators for calcium, reactive oxygen species (ROS), or hypoxia.

  • PhenoVue™ ROS total oxidative stress indicators, encompassing ROS-490, ROS-570 and ROS-670, enable a myriad of applications as well as multiplexing capability to unravel ROS related biological effects.
  • PhenoVue fluorescent calcium indicators, encompassing Fura-2 AM, Fluo-4 AM, Cal-520 AM, Cal-590 AM, Cal-520 AM Bright and Cal-590 AM Bright, enable a variety of applications as well as multiplexing capability to unravel intracellular calcium mediated functions.
  • PhenoVue HypoxiTRAK™ is a permeable hypoxia indicator, which exhibits far-red fluorescence. Its spectral characteristics are shared with DRAQ5™.
  • PhenoVue live/dead cell viability assay kit provides a two-color green and red fluorescence method which enables the simultaneous determination of live and dead cells using two different dyes.
  • PhenoVue live cell caspase-3/7 activity stain is a no-wash and cell permeable fluorogenic dye for visualizing apoptotic cells.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

PhenoVue Cell Function Reagents & Kits
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